
Letter from Olga Angerer to Marie Schiele
29th Nov. 1918
(Krumau 1862–1935 Vienna)
Translation of the Transcription:
29th Nov.18.
Dear Marie!
The days and weeks fly by and it is impossible to grasp that these young creatures with a right to live should no longer be. Your daughter-in-law, your son and poor Claire, taken away in the prime of their life. I fully understand that you have no desire to see people, nor to visit anyone, all of that one avoids when one’s heart and mind are aching so. But remember that he has not died but has merely gone before us on the dark path we all must take. – I know, one asks: Why? What for? This soon? But only a fool expects an answer! – All tears are in vain, those one would love to have back will never return and one has to bear it but do not ask how! – Believe me, I feel for you, after all I too buried all my happiness years ago when I lost my child and my husband. – The lonely heart pants through days and years; once age approaches one becomes more composed, calmer, because one knows it will not take so long now until everything is over. You must find all your future happiness in having two kind and beautiful daughters and in your grandchildren and slowly but surely let the cloak of oblivion drape itself over the past so you can once more become the young, pretty Maman you always were. One can bear so much, survive so much and finally live only in – memories, but you have a long way to go yet. So, be strong and bear your fate with dignity. I will be glad of your visits anytime.
Many regards to beautiful Mela.
Let me assure you that I feel deeply for you, sincerely, your cousin
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Privatsammlung Leopold, Wien; (1)
Leopold Museum-Privatstiftung, Wien (2023)
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