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Oskar Kokoschka

Expressionist and Enfant Terrible

Oskar Kokoschka (1886–1980), who was born in Pöchlarn and died in Montreux at the age of 93, survived the other prominent pioneers of Modernism – Gustav Klimt (1862–1918), Egon Schiele (1890–1918) and Richard Gerstl (1883–1908) – by several decades. Kokoschka emerged on the art scene in 1908 as a painter, graphic artist, author, playwright and director, and provoked with his radical breaches of conventions. Overcoming the prevalent Jugendstil of his time, he became a central trailblazer of Expressionism. His precarious living conditions and the harsh criticism he encountered led to the artist staging himself as a victim. The political turmoil of the first half of the 20th century turned Kokoschka into a migrant. As the global political situation worsened throughout the 1930s, Kokoschka – who saw himself as a seismographer of social change and fought for peace, freedom and human rights – used art to convey political messages. He adhered to the authentic power of a committed art production all his life.
Self-Portrait, One Hand Touching the Face
Tre Croci – Dolomite Landscape
Amsterdam – Kloveniersburgwal II
Annexation – Alice in Wonderland
Two Girls
Nude Girl
The Lace Maker
Portrait of Natalie Baczewski
Hermann Schwarzwald II
Seated Girl
Lying Couple. Study for the painting *The Bride of the Wind*
The Apple of Eve. Illustration for the series of lithographs *The Bound Columbus*
The Last Judgement. Illustration for the series of lithographs *The Bound Columbus*
The Favored and the Crumbled to Dust. Illustrations on Victor Dirsztay’s Book *In Praise of High Intellect*
Ex Libris Lotte Franzos
The Principle (Liberté, Egalité, Fratricide!). Page from the portfolio *Die Schaffenden I*
At the Spinning Wheel. Illustration for the series of lithographs *The Great Wall of China*
The Eavesdropper. Illustration for the series of lithographs *The Great Wall of China*
Aristotle and Phyllis. Illustration for the series of lithographs *The Great Wall of China*
The Intruders. Illustration for the series of lithographs *The Great Wall of China*
Pietà (It Is Enough). Illustration for the series of lithographs on Johann Sebastian Bach’s *O Eternity, Thou Word of Thunder*
Study for the painting *Lovers with Cat*
Pietà. Poster for the play *Murderer, the Hope of Women* for the *Internationale Kunstschau*
Poster for his lecture at the Academic Association for Literature and Music
Standing Nude, Propped Up, after Lilith Lang (The Juggler’s Child)
Semi-Nude Girl with Upper Body Bent Forward
Striding Male Nude Held by a Silhouette. *Robinson and Friday*
Alma Mahler and Oskar Kokoschka
Nude Boy Lying on His Back with Bent Knees (Savoyard Boy)
The Couple in Candlelight. Study for the series of lithographs *The Bound Columbus*
At the Crossroads. Study for the series of lithographs *The Bound Columbus*
At the Crossroads. Study for the series of lithographs *The Bound Columbus*
Projection Rifle in Covered Position
The Three Wise Men. Postcard of the Wiener Werkstätte, No. 155
Flute Player and Bats. Postcard of the Wiener Werkstätte, No. 73
Three Shepherds, Dog and Sheep. Postcard of the Wiener Werkstätte, No. 116
The Musicians. Postcard of the Wiener Werkstätte, No. 78
"Die Träumenden Knaben" (The Dreaming Boys). Illustrated story with eight color lithographs
*The Bound Columbus*. Edition no. XV
The Cotton Picker. Poster for the exhibition *1908 Kunstschau*
Poster *Der Sturm*
Self-Portrait from Two Sides as a Painter. Poster for the Kokoschka exhibition held at Kunstsalon Wolfsberg, Zurich
Paul Carl Scheerbart. Paper from the portfolio *Menschenköpfe*, publisher *Der Sturm*
Herwarth Walden. Paper from the portfolio *Menschenköpfe*, publisher *Der Sturm*
Woman Bent over Phantom. Illustration on the series of lithographs *The Bound Columbus*
Self-Portrait with Etching Needle. Page from *Bild, Sprache und Schrift. Ein Vortrag*, Published as a Special Print Celebrating the Artist’s Birthday on 1st March 1971
*Penthesilea. A Tragedy*
Cover for 10 drypoint etchings on *Penthesilea. A Tragedy*
Penthesilea from *Penthesilea. A Tragedy*
Penthesilea on the Battlefield of Troy. Illustration on *Penthesilea. A Tragedy*
Encounter between Penthesilea and Achilles on the Battlefield. Illustration on *Penthesilea. A Tragedy*
Achilles’s Cart before the Abyss. Illustration on *Penthesilea. A Tragedy*
Penthesilea’s Fall in Pursuit of Achilles. Illustration on *Penthesilea. A Tragedy*
Dialogue between Penthesilea and Achilles. Illustration on *Penthesilea. A Tragedy*
Penthesilea Announces Her Decision to Take Up Achilles’s Challenge for Battle. Illustration on “Penthesilea. A Tragedy”
Penthesilea Mangles the Fallen Achilles. Illustration on *Penthesilea. A Tragedy*
Penthesilea, Still Frenzied, Embraces the Dead Achilles. Illustration on *Penthesilea. A Tragedy*
Penthesilea Kills Herself. Illustration on *Penthesilea. A Tragedy*
He Who Kills Poor Time. Illustrations on Victor Dirsztay’s Book *In Praise of High Intellect*
Unworthy Faces (The Choir of the Damned). Illustrations on Victor Dirsztay’s Book *In Praise of High Intellect*
It Is Necessary Only to Procure the Rope. Illustrations on Victor Dirsztay’s Book *In Praise of High Intellect*
Having Again Fallen Asleep. Illustrations on Victor Dirsztay’s Book *In Praise of High Intellect*
How Is It Going with the Death?. Illustrations on Victor Dirsztay’s Book *In Praise of High Intellect*
Walter Hasenclever
Richard Dehmel. Paper from the portfolio *Menschenköpfe*, publisher *Der Sturm*
Rudolf Blümner. Paper from the portfolio *Menschenköpfe*, publisher *Der Sturm*
Self Portrait (Bust Portrait with Drawing Pencil)
The lost Son / Three figures with Wolves / The Path to the Grave. Study for the series of lithographs *The Bound Columbus*
Letter from Oskar Kokoschka to Franz Hauer
Letter from Oskar Kokoschka to Franz Hauer
Letter from Oskar Kokoschka to Franz Hauer
Letter from Oskar Kokoschka to Franz Hauer
Postcard from Oskar Kokoschka to Franz Hauer
*Der Sturm*. Weekly magazine for culture and art, 14th July 1910, year 1910, no. 20
*Der Sturm*. Weekly magazine for culture and art, 21st July 1910, year 1910, no. 21
*Der Sturm*. Weekly magazine for culture and art, 6th October 1910, year 1910, no. 32
*Der Sturm*. Weekly magazine for culture and art, 20th October 1910, year 1910, no. 34
*Der Sturm*. Weekly magazine for culture and art, 27th October 1910, year 1910, no. 35
*Der Sturm*. Weekly magazine for culture and art, 3rd November 1910, year 1910, no. 36
*Der Sturm*. Weekly magazine for culture and art, 10th November 1910, year 1910, no. 37
*Der Sturm*. Weekly magazine for culture and art, 17th November 1910, year 1910, no. 38
Der Sturm. Weekly magazine for culture and art, 24th November 1910, year 1910, no. 39
*Der Sturm*. Weekly magazine for culture and art, 1st December 1910, year 1910, no. 40
*Der Sturm*. Weekly magazine for culture and art, 8th December 1910, year 1910, no. 41
*Der Sturm*. Weekly magazine for culture and art, 15th December 1910, year 1910, no. 42
*Der Sturm*. Weekly magazine for culture and art, 22nd December 1910, year 1910, no. 43
*Der Sturm*. Weekly magazine for culture and art, 29th December 1910, year 1910, no. 44
*Der Sturm*. Weekly magazine for culture and art, July 1911, year 1911, no. 70

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