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The Painterʼs Wife with a Glass of Wine, 1919

Leopold Museum,
Oil on canvas
85.2×69 cm


  • Anton Faistauer

    (St. Martin near Lofer 1887–1930 Vienna)

Unfortunately not on display at the moment
Born a farmer’s son in the Pinzgau region near Salzburg, Anton Faistauer (1887–1930) succeeded in becoming one of the pioneers of modern painting in Austria. However, his approach to Modernism was not about tearing down bridges; instead it always aimed to continue the great Western tradition of painting. The work of Paul Cézanne (1839–1906) was particularly significant for him. In looking at Faistauer’s pictures, which radiate peace and harmony, it is not immediately obvious that the painter studied theory more intensively than almost any other painter of his generation. His imagery is defined almost entirely by the paint itself, applied with an opulent impasto technique. The painting The Painterʼs Wife with a Glass of Wine shows that during World War I, Faistauer was increasingly engaged with French Impressionism, especially the work of Auguste Renoir (1841–1919). However, unlike his role models, he tried to put the play of colors into the service of form and developed a painting style that is dense and full of movement.

Object data

  • Anton Faistauer
The Painterʼs Wife with a Glass of Wine
Art movement
Oil on canvas
85.2×69 cm
Signed and dated upper right: A Faistauer 1919
Credit line
Leopold Museum, Vienna, Inv. 1978
Inventory access
Contributed to the Leopold Museum-Privatstiftung in 1994
Selection of Reference works
  • Wien 1900. Aufbruch in die Moderne, hrsg. von Hans-Peter Wipplinger, Wien 2019 (Ausst.-Kat. Leopold Museum, Wien, ab 15.03.2019).
  • Franz Fuhrmann: Anton Faistauer 1887–1930 mit dem Werkvezeichnis der Gemälde, Salzburg 1972.
Catalogue raisonne
  • Fuhrmann 1972: 182

If you have further information on this object, please contact us.


Provenance research
Leopold Museum i

Nachlass Anton Faistauer, Wien (1930)
Peter Faistauer, Saalfelden (ab 1930 bis 1953); (1)
Dr. Rudolf Leopold, Wien (vor 1972-1994); (2)
Leopold Museum-Privatstiftung, Wien (1994).

  1. Klebezettel auf der Bildrückseite: „Frau des Künstlers Nachlass […]“ und „Eigentum Peter Faistauer 1953“
  2. Franz Fuhrmann, Anton Faistauer. 1887 - 1930; mit einem Werkverzeichnis der Gemälde, Salzburg 1972, S. 142, Nr. 182: „Dame mit Weinglas“ (Tafel 19)

For provenance related information, please contact us.

2023/2024 Partial funding for digitization by the Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport „Kulturerbe digital“ as part of NextGenerationEU.