Roofs with Chimneys, Mountains in the Background, 1924
Leopold Museum, Vienna
Roofs with Chimneys, Mountains in the Background 1924
Oil on canvas
57×70.5 cm
Gerhart Frankl
(Vienna 1901‒1965 Vienna)
Unfortunately not on display at the moment
Roofs with Chimneys, Mountains in the Background of 1924 is a picture of special atmospheric qualities through contrastive-complementary but harmoniously rhyming colors. It can be taken as evidence of Gerhart Frankl’s (1901–1965) studies of modern art and the way it experiments with color and form. Above the height of the roofs, already steeped in cool blue by the waning evening light, Frankl affords a view of one of his places of yearning: the Alps. With visible broad brush strokes, he builds up both roofs and mountains, cutting through the organic structure with the title-giving bright red chimneys. Around the same at time and presumably at the same place, another work originated, Red Chimneys, more muted in coloration.
Contributed to the Leopold Museum-Privatstiftung in 1994
Selection of Reference works
Zwischen den Kriegen. Österreichische Künstler 1918–1938, hrsg. von Rudolf Leopold, Wien 2007 (Ausst.-Kat. Leopold Museum, Wien, 21.09.2007-28.01.2008).