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Sketch for a Bedroom Wall Decoration for the Stonborough Apartment in Berlin, 1902/03

Leopold Museum,
Pencil, india ink, opaque color on paper
21×33.7 cm


  • Koloman Moser

    (Vienna 1868–1918 Vienna)

  • Wiener Werkstätte
Unfortunately not on display at the moment
On the occasion of the wedding of his daughter Margarete Wittgenstein (1882–1958) to New York industrialist Jerome Stonborough (1873–1938) in 1905 and the couple’s subsequent move to Berlin, steel tycoon Karl Wittgenstein (1847–1913) commissioned the two artists Josef Hoffmann (1870–1956) and Koloman Moser (1868–1918) to design the interior of the newlyweds’ apartment. The designs were executed by the Wiener Werkstätte, which completed the apartment within the same year. Similar to the Eisler von Terramare Apartment, whose complete interior design was created by Moser in 1902, the interior design for this Berlin apartment was also conceptualized as a Gesamtkunstwerk, or universal work of art. The sketch presented here shows the pattern with abstracted flowers and doves for the wall decoration in the bedroom of the newlywed couple Wittgenstein-Stonborough.

Object data

  • Design: Koloman Moser
  • Wiener Werkstätte
Sketch for a Bedroom Wall Decoration for the Stonborough Apartment in Berlin
Alternative title
Sketch for the Bedroom Wall Decoration for the Stonborough Apartment in Berlin
Art movement
Wiener Werkstätte
Graphic work
Pencil, india ink, opaque color on paper
21×33.7 cm
Designated upper right: Die Punkte aluminieren / der Grund der Vögel grau / die Blüten gelb (nach Muster des Stoffes) die Stiele und die Blätter schwarz [Aluminize the dots / gray ground for the birds / yellow flowers (see fabric pattern) black stems and leaves]
Credit line
Leopold Museum, Vienna, Inv. 2703
Inventory access
Contributed to the Leopold Museum-Privatstiftung in 1994
Selection of Reference works
  • Koloman Moser- Die Sammlung Leopold, hrsg. von Elisabeth Leopold/Stefan Kutzenberger, Wien 2018 (Ausst.-Kat. Leopold Museum, Wien, 18.01.2018-10.06.2018).
  • Koloman Moser 1868-1818, hrsg. von Rudolf Leopold/Gerd Pichler, Wien 2007 (Ausst.-Kat. Leopold Museum, Wien, 25.05.2007-10.09.2007).

If you have further information on this object, please contact us.


Provenance research
Leopold Museum i
Dr. Rudolf Leopold, Wien (o.D.);
Leopold Museum-Privatstiftung, Wien (1994)

For provenance related information, please contact us.

2023/2024 Partial funding for digitization by the Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport „Kulturerbe digital“ as part of NextGenerationEU.