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Egon Schiele with Two Army Comrades, 1916

Leopold Museum,
16.8×11.4 cm


  • Anonyme*r Fotograf*in
Unfortunately not on display at the moment
To Egon Schiele (1890–1918), World War I represented a life-changing caesura, especially in terms of his artistic work. Having been deemed unfit for armed combat, he was at least spared deployment on the front. Following his basic military training in Prague, shortly after his wedding in June 1915, he was put in charge of administrative duties and the transport of prisoners of war in and around Vienna. The strict daily routine, having to wear a uniform, and especially the restrictions of his artistic activities, weighed heavily on the artist. On 4th April 1916, he noted in his war diary: “What can be said about the War today – every hour it continues is a waste.” In the present photograph, Schiele already appears somewhat demoralized and worn out. This shot with two of his comrades was taken at the prisoner-of-war camp for Russian officers in Mühling near Wieselburg, where Schiele had been detailed in early May 1916. It wasn’t until January 1917 that he was allowed to return to Vienna, at his own request and thanks to the support of others.

Object data

  • Anonyme*r Fotograf*in
Egon Schiele with Two Army Comrades
16.8×11.4 cm
Credit line
Leopold Museum, Vienna, Inv. 7464
Inventory access
Accession 2023
Selection of Reference works
  • Trotzdem Kunst! Österreich 1914-1918, hrsg. von Elisabeth Leopold/Ivan Ristić u.a., Wien 2014 (Ausst-Kat. Leopold Museum, Wien, 09.05.2014-15.09.2014).
Catalogue raisonne
  • ESDA ID 1004
Egon Schiele
Autograph Database

For further information on Egon Schiele and to conduct primary source research, please visit our Egon Schiele Autograph Database.

Egon Schiele Autograph Database

If you have further information on this object, please contact us.


Provenance research
Leopold Museum i

Privatsammlung Leopold, Wien; (1)
Leopold Museum-Privatstiftung, Wien (2023)

  1. Archiv des Leopold Museums, Rechnung Nr. 01-2023 vom 18.04.2023

For provenance related information, please contact us.