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Vase, 1918

Leopold Museum,
White-blue glass
23.1×11.8×12.5 cm


  • Dagobert Peche

    (St. Michael im Lungau 1887–1923 Mödling)

  • Joh. Oertel & Co.
Unfortunately not on display at the moment
This vase was designed in 1918 by the architect, designer and graphic artist Dagobert Peche (1887–1923), likely for the Wiener Werkstätte. The design is based on an octagon in cross section. While the foot of the vase appears slightly drawn in, the silhouette of the body is tapered and the octagonal lip opens outwardly. The vase is made of colorless glass, with a cobalt blue underlay and an opaque white overlay. The white overlay is characterized by geometrical polished decor along the edges, and by flowers and diagonal crosses in the repeating pattern. This type of cut allows the blue underlay to show through, resulting in the distinctive two-tone color. The design was executed by the Bohemian glass factory Johann Oertel & Co. in Haida/Nový Bor.

Object data

  • Design: Dagobert Peche
  • Execution: Joh. Oertel & Co.
Art movement
Wiener Werkstätte
Arts and crafts
White-blue glass
23.1×11.8×12.5 cm
Credit line
Leopold Museum, Vienna, Inv. 5962
Inventory access
Accession 2016

If you have further information on this object, please contact us.


Provenance research
Leopold Museum i

Dr. Rudolf Leopold, Wien (bis 2010);
Dr. Elisabeth Leopold, Wien (2010-2016); (1)
Leopold Museum-Privatstiftung, Wien (seit 2016)

  1. Archiv des Leopold Museums, Kaufvertrag vom 06.12.2016 und Rechnung Nr. 01/2016 vom 16.11.2016

For provenance related information, please contact us.

2023/2024 Partial funding for digitization by the Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport „Kulturerbe digital“ as part of NextGenerationEU.