
Postcard from the Secretary of Gustinus Ambrosi to Marie Schiele
3rd Dec. 1918
(Krumau 1862–1935 Vienna)
Translation of the Transcription:
Dict.[ated on] 3rd December 1918
Dear Madam!
On behalf of the sculptor Gustinus Ambrosi I am honored to inform you that Mr. Ambrosi would like to collect the drawing in person and would like to visit you for this purpose. Mr. Ambrosi kindly asks that you let him know as soon as you have in your keeping several drawings from which he may choose one and that you tell him when he may come and choose his drawing and collect it.
I have been asked to convey his warmest thanks for your kind letter.
Very respectfully,
Becker, secretary
[Address block:]
Most Honorable
Marie Schiele
Vienna VI
Gfrornergasse 7/6
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Privatsammlung Leopold, Wien; (1)
Leopold Museum-Privatstiftung, Wien (2023)
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