
Postcard from Adele Harms to Melanie Schiele
28th Sep. 1920
(Vienna 1890–1968 Vienna)
(Krumau 1862–1935 Vienna)
Translation of the Transcription:
A. S. with Mr. Ferd. Sedlecky
Vienna XVII, Palffygasse 20, 2nd Floor
28th Sep. 1920
Dearest Mela!
Many thanks for your kind message; please excuse me for not replying by letter; I have much to do before my departure, because I want to be in Vienna by next Sunday at 6 o’clock in the evening. I am writing you my address and I hope to see you very soon or to get a note from you as to when you are free. Please give the two gentlemen my kind regards in return, I am looking forward to meeting them both. 1000 kisses, yours Ada [Adele]
[Address block:]
Mella Schiele
Vienna VI
Gfrornergasse 7
1st Floor, Apartment 6
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Leopold Museum-Privatstiftung, Wien (2023)
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