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Still Life with Garden Utensils, 1911

Leopold Museum,
Vienna © Bildrecht,
Vienna 2022
Oil on canvas
60.6×73.1×2.2 cm


  • Albert Paris Gütersloh

    (Vienna 1887–1973 Baden near Vienna)

Unfortunately not on display at the moment
Albert Paris Gütersloh (1887–1973) is the pseudonym of Albert Conrad Kiehtreiber, who attended the acting school at the Raimundtheater in Vienna until 1908. After his first acting jobs in provincial areas, Gütersloh turned his attention to painting around 1907. He was self-taught. His debut exhibition took place at the International Kunstschau in Vienna in 1909. At the end of that year, he was involved in the exhibition of the Neukunst Group around Egon Schiele (1890–1918). The Still Life with Garden Utensils is one of the earliest oil paintings by this artist who was to become a highly respected professor at Vienna’s Academy of Fine Arts. The subject and arrangement are clearly influenced by Paul Cézanne (1839–1906), whose clay-like still life paintings had revolutionized the traditional representation of space. The table placed at a right angle appears to be tilting out of the picture; the stasis of objects is called into question: Albert Paris Gütersloh subjects the firmly established to uncertainty.


Audio for adults

Object data

  • Albert Paris Gütersloh
Still Life with Garden Utensils
Art movement
Oil on canvas
60.6×73.1×2.2 cm
signed upper left (later): Gütersloh; monogrammed lower right
Credit line
Leopold Museum, Vienna, Inv. 6125
Inventory access
Accession 2018

If you have further information on this object, please contact us.


Provenance research
Leopold Museum i

seit den 1950er Jahren in Privatbesitz, Wien; (1)
Dr. Herbert und Dr. Maria Buchsbaum, Wien (1967-1977); (2)
Auktion: 19.06.2018, im Kinky Wien, 123. Auktion, Klassische Moderne, Los Nr. 365;
Leopold Museum-Privatstiftung, Wien (seit 2018). (3)

  1. im Kinsky GmbH, Online-Katalog,
    (Abfrage: 10.05.2022)
  2. Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien, Katalog zu „Albert P. Gütersloh. Akademische Reden“, Wien 1967, Kat. Nr. 2; Heribert Hutter (Hg.), A. P. Gütersloh, Beispiele. Schriften zur Kunst. Bilder. Werkverzeichnis, Wien 1977, S. 127, Nr. 1911/3.
  3. Archiv des Leopold Museums, Rechnung Nr. 1230066 vom 20.6.2018

For provenance related information, please contact us.

2023/2024 Partial funding for digitization by the Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport „Kulturerbe digital“ as part of NextGenerationEU.