Letter from Egon Schiele to Carl Reininghaus
6th Jun. 1913
(Tulln 1890–1918 Vienna)
(Graz 1857–1929 Vienna)
Translation of the Transcription:
6th June 1913.
Dear Mr. [Carl] Reininghaus!
I just received your letter and the sum of 412 c. [crowns] 50 hlr. [hellers] and I hereby confirm that I acknowledge your letter, which repeats the content of my letter from 1st June. – All I have been doing these last few days is work on the [painting] Conversion and if you can find the time, please visit me on Tuesday or Wednesday next week; I believe I will be able to finish the painting by the end of next week.
Kindest regards,
Egon Schiele.
For further information on Egon Schiele and to conduct primary source research, please visit our Egon Schiele Autograph Database.
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Privatsammlung Leopold, Wien; (1)
Leopold Museum-Privatstiftung, Wien (2023)
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