Postcard from Egon Schiele to Anton Peschka
1st Jul. 1915
(Tulln 1890–1918 Vienna)
(Vienna 1885–1940 Vienna)
Dear A. P. [Anton Peschka], on Thursday, the 17th of this month, we were married at the Protestant Church of Vienna, the next day, we came here to Prague, where we stayed together until the day I had to join up on the 21st of the month at 8 am, at Hotel Paris, Prague. Since Monday, 8 am, there are approx. 10,000 of us, whether one-year volunteers or generals, sleeping on straw, and in sweat and dirt, in a large exhibition hall. The Czech have only themselves to blame for us being placed under strict supervision from the beginning, and being denied any contact with the outside world. And yet, I have seen deserters. Unbelievably perfidious. I can talk to Edith [Schiele] only through one fence. We are to stay here until today, Friday, or tomorrow, Saturday. Upon presentation, I was assigned to the 75th regiment in Neuhaus i. Böhm. [in Bohemia] for “observation”. Two years ago, I was invited there by [Marianne] Cerny’s friend and could have stayed there for free – maybe this might be possible now, that would be wonderful. – What about you, will you be able to get away? – The whole situation is excellent at the moment, after all. Write to me immediately to tell me, if I came to Neuhaus, what would happen to us there, I am a one-year volunteer. How long are we locked up, or do they let you out immediately, or does one have to sleep in the barracks in the beginning? – Edith will follow me everywhere. – She sends you her kind regards. Write to Egon Schiele, Hotel Paris, Prague. – Until I give you a new address.
With affectionate regards, Egon
[Address block:]
Mr. Anton Peschka
One-year volunteer of the infantry regiment 42
Officer Candidate School in Gablonz a./ N.
[address crossed out and corrected by a foreign hand:]
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Privatsammlung Leopold, Wien; (1)
Leopold Museum-Privatstiftung, Wien (2023)
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