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Letter from Egon Schiele to Edith Schiele (Part 1), 29th Jun. 1915

Leopold Museum,
Leopold Museum,
Pencil on paper
17.4×13.1 cm


  • Egon Schiele

    (Tulln 1890–1918 Vienna)

  • Edith Schiele

    (Vienna1893–1918 Vienna)

Unfortunately not on display at the moment

This is the full transcription of the letter, which consists of two sheets.

Tuesday, 29th June 1915.

My dear lovely Diterle [Edith], we have been here since Sunday. We arrived at 10 in the evening and soldiers led us through the darkness to our quarters in the barns beside the pond. We one-year volunteers sleep separately from the others on straw sacks. If you want to come here in this weather you must keep to the left bank of the pond. The barns run along the edge of the road. I am in the first barn on the left, the one with the eagle on top and the chicken ladder for climbing in. The state-owned uniforms arrived yesterday, Monday evening. It is all wretched. I will tell you everything when we are together again.

On Monday morning I had a soldier send my telegram telling you that we are now in Neuhaus, quartered in the barns beside the Waigar (the pond) on the road towards Heinrichsschlag and that you should take the route through Wesely to come here. In the afternoon, I was able to get out myself, and I went into town alone and at my own risk to send a much more detailed telegram. Then on Tuesday morning, when we were already in uniform, I walked calmly into the town again with the two men who share my quarters. I had not been taught how to salute properly, and of course I was expected to do so. No-one knew about our trip into town, and while we were there a colonel asked us where we had come from.

I will tell you all about this in time. At last I made it to the public baths and the town hall. I expected to find you on the 10.26 train (I mean today, Tuesday) from Prague. I asked for you at the Hotel Central and left my card with the proprietor. I begged him to have his driver call for you at the station and bring you to the hotel. I told him I would come this evening. But now we find that our expedition into town caused trouble: apparently we are not allowed to go until we have learned to salute, and I will not be able to come today.

Our lieutenant thinks we will be allowed into town tomorrow, Wednesday. If so, I will come to the Hotel Central tomorrow (Wednesday) after 5 pm, so please stay there. Or if you feel like it and the weather is good, come to visit me in the morning or some time before 5. All you need to do is ask for me at the barn that I described. Or might I somehow see you sooner? I will be happy beyond words to see you again and to know where you are. Of one thing I am sure already: my so-called fellows here are truly too stupid and dull for me.

I will now have a messenger bring you this letter. When you have read it, if you decide to stay at the hotel, please either tell me your room number or write to say whether you are coming tomorrow and if so at what time. Or if you have an umbrella, come straight here with the messenger. Or otherwise, write to tell me what you will do. With heartfelt kisses, “your” Egon.

Object data

  • Sender: Egon Schiele
  • Recipient: Edith Schiele
Letter from Egon Schiele to Edith Schiele (Part 1)
29th Jun. 1915
Pencil on paper
17.4×13.1 cm
Credit line
Leopold Museum, Vienna, Inv. 7876 01
Inventory access
Accession 2023
Catalogue raisonne
  • ESDA ID 11
Egon Schiele
Autograph Database

For further information on Egon Schiele and to conduct primary source research, please visit our Egon Schiele Autograph Database.

Egon Schiele Autograph Database

If you have further information on this object, please contact us.


Provenance research
Leopold Museum i

Auktion: 12.06.2003, Dorotheum Wien, Los Nr. 209;
Dr. Rudolf Leopold, Wien (2003-2010); (1)
Privatsammlung Leopold, Wien (2010-2023); (2)
Leopold Museum-Privatstiftung, Wien (2023)

  1. Egon Schiele Datenbank der Autografen (ESDA), ID: 11
  2. Archiv des Leopold Museums, Rechnung Nr. 01-2023 vom 18.04.2023

For provenance related information, please contact us.