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Country Road, 1922

Leopold Museum,
Vienna © Herbert Boeckl estate,
Oil on canvas
43.5×54.4 cm


  • Herbert Boeckl

    (Klagenfurt 1894–1966 Vienna)

Unfortunately not on display at the moment
The painting Country Road, dated 1922, is a cantilena in green. Herbert Boeckl (1894–1966) paints a summer landscape in pastose colors, combining a variation of green and blue shades with a little ocher. The horizontal picture captures a lightly bending country road. In the background we can see lush, rampantly growing vegetation and a mountain range on the horizon. The high tree with its mighty crown rising up in the left half of the painting is counterbalanced by a sketchy dead tree in the composition. Boeckl’s blotchy style of painting hardly allows us to view any details with comprehension. The painter dissolved the shapes of the plants in patches of color. He reduced both the construction of perspective and the difference between figure and ground for the sake of a planar design. The renowned collector Heinrich Benesch (1862–1947) was the first owner of this painting. Benesch’s son Otto (1896–1964) was the first scholar to acknowledge the importance of Boeckle’s oeuvre in art history.

Object data

  • Herbert Boeckl
Country Road
Art movement
Oil on canvas
43.5×54.4 cm
Signed and dated lower left: BOECKL 22
Credit line
Leopold Museum, Vienna, Inv. 517
Inventory access
Contributed to the Leopold Museum-Privatstiftung in 1994
Selection of Reference works
  • Herbert Boeckl. Retrospektive, hrsg. von Agnes Husslein-Arco/Matthias Boeckl Wien 2009 (Ausst.-Kat. Belvedere, Wien, 21.10.2009-31.01.2010).
  • Herbert Boeckl. Mit einem Werkverzeichnis der Gemälde von Leonore Boeckl, hrsg. von Gerbert Frodl, Salzburg 1976.
Catalogue raisonne
  • Husslein-Arco 2009: 52
  • Frodl 1976: 38

If you have further information on this object, please contact us.


Provenance research
Leopold Museum i

For provenance related information, please contact us.

2023/2024 Partial funding for digitization by the Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport „Kulturerbe digital“ as part of NextGenerationEU.