
Postcard from Emmy Obransky to Egon Schiele
14th Oct. 1918
(Tulln 1890–1918 Vienna)
Translation of the Transcription:
“I love you” E v. O [Emmy von Obransky]
14th Oct. 1918.
My dear master!
I am pleading with you not to be angry or, worse, furious when I kindly ask that you receive me Wednesday instead of Thursday. I must go to the Volksoper on Thursday.
But I will come to see you on Wednesday also at 4 o’clock, please expect me.
Until then with warmest regards,
Yours, Emmy Obransky
Pa! [?]
E. Obransky II. Vorgartenstraße 88./9
[Address block:]
To the
Mr. Egon Schiele
Acad.[emic] painter
Vienna, XIII.
Wattmanngasse No. 6.
Pneumatic dispatch
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Privatsammlung Leopold, Wien; (1)
Leopold Museum-Privatstiftung, Wien (2023)
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