
Postcard from Anton Peschka to Egon Schiele
2nd May 1918
(Vienna 1885–1940 Vienna)
(Tulln 1890–1918 Vienna)
Translation of the Transcription:
2nd May 1918.
Dear Egon.
I certainly hope to be in Vienna in May (15–17). (leave entitlement). I will bring you various small things and will also buy cigarettes for you.
They are much cheaper here than in Vienna. Maybe ration the time you have off for now so that Gerti [Gertrude Peschka] and I will not be in the way when we visit. Am looking forward to running some of the most important errands myself in Vienna since I never receive any answers from anybody! – My warmest regards to you and your beloved wife, I am greatly looking forward to seeing you both and to finally coming home again. I will tell you all about here – a wonderful region. So, best regards, here is to a happy reunion, your brother-in-law
Anton Peschka. Lt. [Leutnant]
Ant Peschka Lt
IR [Infantry Regiment] 42, Baon [Battalion]
3 Comp.[any]
Field post 407.
[Address block:]
Mr. Egon Schiele
Vienna XIII Hietzinger Hauptstr.[aße]
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Privatsammlung Leopold, Wien; (1)
Leopold Museum-Privatstiftung, Wien (2023)
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