Letter from Arnold Skutezky to Egon Schiele
22nd Feb. 1917
(Tulln 1890–1918 Vienna)
R.[aigern] 22nd Feb. [1]917
Dear Sir!
Thanking you for the drawings
[crossed out: me] I have received through the kind mediation of
Director Dr. [Franz Martin] Haberditzl,
I am hereby sending you the
sum of 150 c. [crowns] by
money order.
Both drawings
delight me very much but
it was difficult for me to choose
because I would have liked to
own the female
portrait in color as well as
the one I kept in chalk and yet I
wanted to avoid taking two portraits
because I wanted to have a
figure among your drawings
as well.
Maybe you could retrospectively
comply with my request and
grant me a discount on the
female head so I could
purchase 3 drawings
at 200 c.
At any rate, I am very pleased
to have made your acquaintance
for now and through your works
and I hope we will get to know
each other in person.
Respectfully and
sincerely yours,
Arnold Skutezky
to avoid any confusion
I will describe the portrait
I am considering more
closely: It is executed in
color and depicts,
as Dr. H. [Haberditzl] told me,
the likeness of your wife.
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Privatsammlung Leopold, Wien; (1)
Leopold Museum-Privatstiftung, Wien (2023)
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