Leopold Museum i
Privatsammlung Leopold, Wien; (1)
Leopold Museum-Privatstiftung, Wien (2023)
- Archiv des Leopold Museums, Rechnung Nr. 01-2023 vom 18.04.2023
For provenance related information, please contact us.
Letter from Eduard Wimmer-Wisgrill to Egon Schiele
19th Aug. 1915
(Vienna 1882–1961 Vienna)
(Tulln 1890–1918 Vienna)
Baden, Hotel Sacher 19th Aug. [19]15
Dear Mr. Schiele!
I would be very much delighted
to show our dresses to
you and your ladies, even though
I don’t know if you will like them
this time. In keeping with the
seriousness and constraints of
our present times, we are no longer
decorative at all! Well, you
have been warned. Should you
be undeterred, I kindly ask
that you write to let me
know you are coming a few
days in advance.
Hoping to see you soon, then!
For further information on Egon Schiele and to conduct primary source research, please visit our Egon Schiele Autograph Database.
Egon Schiele Autograph DatabaseIf you have further information on this object, please contact us.
Privatsammlung Leopold, Wien; (1)
Leopold Museum-Privatstiftung, Wien (2023)
For provenance related information, please contact us.