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Ex Libris Victor Schwanneke, c. 1913

Leopold Museum,
Vienna © Estate of Emil Pirchan,
Steffan/Pabst Collection,
Color lithograph on paper
10×6.6 cm


  • Emil Pirchan

    (Brno 1884–1957 Vienna)

Unfortunately not on display at the moment
Emil Pirchan (1884–1957) studied architecture at the class of Otto Wagner (1841–1918) from 1903 to 1906 at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts. He subsequently worked primarily as a commercial artist, and from 1919 was among the leading stage designers in the German-speaking world. By his own admission, the universally talented artist created more than 1,500 works of commercial art when he lived in Munich between 1908 and 1918, including some 50 posters, numerous logos, bookplates, poster stamps, designs for packaging, technical illustrations for user manuals, calendar sheets, invitation cards, book illustrations, templates for flyleaves, coloring books for children as well as playing cards. In 1913, he founded a private art school for advertising art in Munich. Reflecting the name and profession of the actor Viktor Schwanneke (1880–1931) [“Schwan” meaning swan in German], Pirchan’s design for his bookplate features a stylized swan and a theater mask on the book cover. When Schwanneke was appointed interim director of the Bavarian State Theaters in 1918, he assigned Emil Pirchan the role of head of set design and costumes, marking the beginning of Pirchan’s second career path.

Object data

  • Emil Pirchan
Ex Libris Victor Schwanneke
c. 1913
Graphic work
Color lithograph on paper
10×6.6 cm
Credit line
Leopold Museum, Vienna, Inv. 6456, donation Collection Steffan/Pabst
Inventory access
Accession 2019 2020

If you have further information on this object, please contact us.


Provenance research
Leopold Museum i

Nachlass Emil Pirchan, Zürich (1957);
Dr. Beat Steffan, Zürich (um 2010-2020); (1)
Leopold Museum-Privatstiftung, Wien (seit 2020). (2)

  1. Bild / Ruhrgebiet vom 22.02.2019: Große Pirchan-Austellung in Essen. Dieser Kunstschatz lag auf dem Dachboden, (Abruf: 16.05.2022)
  2. Archiv des Leopold Museums, Schenkungsvertrag vom 06.02.2020 und Übergabebestätigung vom 10.06.2020

For provenance related information, please contact us.