
Letter from Egon Schiele to Ludwig Karl Strauch
5th June 1910
(Tulln 1890–1918 Vienna)
(Vienna 1875–1959 Klosterneuburg)
Translation of the Transcription:
Sold drawings to Otto Wagner, [Koloman] Moser, [Josef] Hoffmann [Eduard] Wimmer and Schöntal [Otto Schönthal] and received a commission from the Wiener Werkstätte for a drawing draft for a metal repoussé work for a house in Brussels, where sculptures by [George] Minne
and architecture by J. [Josef] Hoffmann are. – [Erwin] Osen owes 50 K [Kronen], which I will pay, as soon as I receive the sum for the draft. Best regards Egon Schiele.
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