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Letter from Egon Schiele in Altmünster to Anton Peschka in Vienna, 21st July 1913

Leopold Museum,
Leopold Museum,
Black ink, pencil on paper
22.5×17.6 cm folded twice


  • Egon Schiele

    (Tulln 1890–1918 Vienna)

  • Anton Peschka

    (Vienna 1885–1940 Vienna)

Unfortunately not on display at the moment

Translation of the Transcription:

July 21, 1913
Dear Peschka,
The weather has been very bad so far; the lake here would be very beautiful, the most beautiful is the Traunstein. – The lakes in Carinthia, however, and the entire area there are far more generous and majestic. Furthermore, it is very expensive here, 4 K [Kronen] per day for a room with farmers. – Reininghaus owes me 600 K, I am waiting for that, then I can hopefully pay the entire sum for the gravestone. – Please [note] the following dimensions:

[Sketch, dimensioned and labeled:]
2 meters
2 meters
1,5 cm

one block of concrete
200 cm high
1.50 cm wide
1.20 cm thick towards the back
In front of it, a framing around the entire perimeter of the grave, 20 cm high above the ground, resulting in a 10 cm-thick wall. – One needs to know how much space is useable, that’s why I’m sending you a few Kronen tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, so you may inquire about it on Sunday in Tulln; then you need to write me these measurements

Rößler told me the following: the ceramic workshop owned by [Leopold] Forstner, who made the Stocklet-frieze [!], would also be happy to make a picture of mine for that purpose, if I give Forstner the design; so Rößler will do that for me. – For now, you have to go to Tulln and find out how much space one can use. – I can’t really write Sturm, because I had a thing with him once. – Instead, go straight to [Franz] Hauer XIX. Silbergasse 40, and for the time being ask if he is already here, nothing else, this let me know presently and I can then write him about it. Also write me how my mother stands towards me. – I think I’ll go to Neuötting in the next few days, because it won’t cost me anything there. – Maybe in August we can stay somewhere near Trieste or on the Istrian coast; in the Alps it’s too bad. Write to me
Warm greetings Egon Schiele
Altmünster/ [on] Traunsee
As per address: Arthur Rößler Haus Gaigg. Until 25 July?

Object data

  • Sender: Egon Schiele
  • Recipient: Anton Peschka
Letter from Egon Schiele in Altmünster to Anton Peschka in Vienna
21st July 1913
Black ink, pencil on paper
22.5×17.6 cm folded twice
Credit line
Leopold Museum, Vienna, Inv. 4500
Inventory access
Contributed to the Leopold Museum-Privatstiftung in 1994
Selection of Reference works
  • Christian M. Nebehay: Egon Schiele 1890-1918. Leben, Briefe, Gedichte, Salzburg 1979.
Catalogue raisonne
  • ESDA ID 144
  • Nebehay 1979: 556
Egon Schiele
Autograph Database

For further information on Egon Schiele and to conduct primary source research, please visit our Egon Schiele Autograph Database.

Egon Schiele Autograph Database

If you have further information on this object, please contact us.


Provenance research
Leopold Museum i
Dr. Rudolf Leopold, Wien (o.D.);
Leopold Museum-Privatstiftung, Wien (seit 1994).

For provenance related information, please contact us.

2023/2024 Partial funding for digitization by the Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport „Kulturerbe digital“ as part of NextGenerationEU.