

Letter from Anton Peschka to Gertrude Peschka, née Schiele
2nd Feb. 1915
(Vienna 1885–1940 Vienna)
(Tulln 1894–1981 Vienna)
Translation of the Transcription:
Dear Gerti!
I was released for 2 days! Can’t swallow! – Sending you 16 Kronen, as I sold an etching! Probably won’t come before Sunday, because animals on the day of the Lord usually work in the morning now! Yesterday somebody sent a child to our shop asking for me to come to the corner where a girl was waiting for me! The child went to fulfill its mission. Father was thinking of you, he was uncomfortable to tell the boy that I was not home. But soon after that, I came home! I ran very hoarse and feverish to the train station, thinking that the little one had become sick and that you, unfortunately, [were] ready to depart without telling my people. I couldn’t find you anywhere! -When I come home a policeman is in the store
and relates that a girl had just stolen a purse from a boy, on the pretext that she needed to get someone out of our store. Tableau! I went to bed calling upon God and the angels to witness my love for you, that I would protect you though deadly sick, and you? – You don’t love me anymore!
Forever your
Teddy Bear
Thursday in February 1916. [erroneously dated 1916, instead of 1915]
[List of dates and days of the week between December 27, 1914 and February 1, 1915]
Sunday February 21, 1915
I. P.
Honorable Mrs.
Gertrude Peschka
c/o – Marie Schiele Vienna
XIX Hietzinger Hauptstr. 132
Door 2
Sender Ant. [Anton ]Peschka Vienna
XII. 3. Breitenfurterstr. – 109.
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Antiquariat Hermann Kantner, Wien (o.D.); (1)
Leopold Museum-Privatstiftung, Wien (seit 2008)
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