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Letter from Egon Schiele to Franz Hauer, 5th Jun. 1913

Leopold Museum,
Black ink on paper
22.5×16.7 cm


  • Egon Schiele

    (Tulln 1890–1918 Vienna)

  • Franz Hauer

    (Weißenkirchen in the Wachau valley 1867–1914 Vienna)

Unfortunately not on display at the moment


June 5, 1913
Dear Mr. Hauer,
I will write to you, once the second Stein painting is finished; now I ask you to inform me whether you definitely want to purchase the picture with the boxes, because Mr. Reininghaus has already purchased a big one from the new ones and informed me that he also wants the one with the boxes [presumably referring to “Resurrection” (Graves), 1913, K P251]. – I speak from the heart when I ask you that you should speak freely in regard to the price of the picture, where I intended 1500 K [Kronen], whether this is perhaps too high for you. Believe me, if you take genuine delight in the picture, I do not want take the joy away from you by a price that might not suit you. – Please write to me frankly and immediately. – But I want to suggest you that you should have this picture in any case, as it is characteristic of my work and I would be happy to see it in your gallery. With warmest greetings
Egon Schiele.

To Mr. Franz Hauer
Vienna XIX. Silbergasse 40.
Egon Schiele
Vienna XIII
Hauptstr. 101.

Object data

  • Sender: Egon Schiele
  • Recipient: Franz Hauer
Letter from Egon Schiele to Franz Hauer
5th Jun. 1913
Black ink on paper
22.5×16.7 cm
Credit line
Leopold Museum, Vienna, Inv. 5431
Inventory access
Accession 2010
Catalogue raisonne
  • ESDA ID 1907
  • Nebehay 1979: Nicht gelistet/Not listed
Egon Schiele
Autograph Database

For further information on Egon Schiele and to conduct primary source research, please visit our Egon Schiele Autograph Database.

Egon Schiele Autograph Database

If you have further information on this object, please contact us.


Provenance research
Leopold Museum i

Franz Hauer, Wien (1913-1914);
Leopold Hauer, Lengenfeld NÖ (1914-1984);
Christa Hauer-Fruhmann, Lengenfeld NÖ (1984-2009);
Leopold Museum-Privatstiftung, Wien (seit 2009); (1)

  1. Archiv des Leopold Museums, Schenkung vom 20.01.2009

For provenance related information, please contact us.