Born in the Polish city of Przemyśl, Maria Likarz-Strauss (1893–1971) studied architecture from 1911 at the Vienna School of Arts and Crafts under Josef Hoffmann (1870–1956), ornamental design under Franz Čižek (1865–1946), textile design under Rosalia Rothansl (1870–1945) and enamel work under Adele von Stark (1859–1923). From 1916, Likarz-Strauss taught at the University of Art and Design in Halle, Germany, before returning to Vienna in 1920 to work for the Wiener Werkstätte. Likarz-Strauss is considered one of the most versatile artists, who designed toys, pearl and leather works, enamel objects, fashion, glass and ceramic products, as well as wallpaper patterns. The pattern
“Reunion“, created in 1924, illustrates the broad stylistic spectrum of her works. The floral, fancifully stylized elements with their harmonious colors and seemingly endless repetitions, are reminiscent of the works of Dagobert Peche (1887–1923) who worked for the Wiener Werkstätte from 1915.
EF, 2021