View of Greillenstein Castle I
(Vienna 1832–1889 Vienna)
Anton Romako (1832–1889) stayed at Greillenstein Castle, owned by the Count of Kuefstein, in the Waldviertel region from August to September 1885. There, he not only portrayed Countess Maria Magda Kuefstein Countess Maria Magda Kuefstein at the Easel, but also painted the castle, which had been owned by the family since the 16th century. Romako had met the count and countess in Rome and the couple were to become important companions and Romako’s most significant patrons.
Additional Text according to Settlement, June 2011:
« Ing. Mořic Eisler (1889–1971) was a building contractor, designer and art collector in Brno/Brünn. During the National Socialist occupation of Czechoslovakia, Eisler’s art collection was confiscated by the Gestapo. View of Greillenstein Castle I subsequently came into the Viennese art trade, then changed hands and became the property of a Linz doctor. In the late 1980s, Dr. Rudolf Leopold bought the painting from the art dealer Giese & Schweiger in Vienna, which he transferred to the Leopold Museum-Privatstiftung in 1994.
Since the work is undoubtedly the property of the Leopold Museum-Privatstiftung, but it was seized from Mořic Eisler and not restituted, it was an important concern of the Leopold Museum to find a joint solution in the sense of a fair and just procedure with the legal successors to Mořic Eisler. »
If you have further information on this object, please contact us.
Dr. Graf Ferdinand Kuefstein, Greillenstein (um 1886); (1)
Ing. Moriz Eisler, Brünn (vor 1939);
vor 1941 Beschlagnahme durch die Geheime Staatspolizei;
Verkauf an die Neue Galerie, Wien durch den Gestapo-Beamten Leopold Gahleitner; (2)
Primarius Dr. Hans Kopf, Linz (vor 1950); (3)
Kunsthandlung Giese & Schweiger, Wien (o.D.);
Dr. Rudolf Leopold, Wien (um 1989-1994); (4)
Leopold Museum-Privatstiftung, Wien (seit 1994).
Restitutionsvergleich mit den ErbInnen nach Ing. Moriz Eisler im Juni 2011
For provenance related information, please contact us.
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