
Letter from Egon Schiele to Anton Faistauer
17th Sep. 1918
(Tulln 1890–1918 Vienna)
(St. Martin near Lofer 1887–1930 Vienna)
Translation of the Transcription:
17th September 1918
Dear [Anton] Faistauer, – we sent a telegram to you yesterday regarding wether [!] you know a better title for our association than “Special Alliance of Austrian Artists” [Sonderbund österr. Künstler], – please send word immediately so we can have our forms made. They are just the statutes and the membership application. – We want to invite the following artists to join and would ask you to respond immediately if you are not in favor of any of the artists at the moment: – [Robin Christian] Andersen, [Hans] Böhler, [Anton] Faistauer, [Johannes] Fischer, [Albert Paris] Gütersloh, [Anton] Hannak [Hanak], [Felix Albrecht] Harta, [Josef] Hofmann [Hoffmann], [Johannes] Itten, [Ludwig Heinrich] Jungnickel, [Georg] Kaas [Kars], [Oskar] Kokoschka, [Rudolf] Kalvach, [Broncia] Koller, [Anton] Kolig, [Leopold] Krakauer, [Alfred] Kubin, [Georg] Merkel, [Moriz] Melzer, [Anton] Peschka, [Willi] Nowak, [Egon] Schiele, [Heinrich] Schröder, Stein, [Oskar Rudolf] Vonwiller, [Ernst] Wagner, [Franz] Wiegele, [Franz von] Zülow.
[Gustav] Nebehay is to become our managing director and interim president. The issue with the Hagenbund will be definitively resolved at the end of the month. If it proves to be impossible to work completely independent of the Hagenbund, then I will speak with Director [Alfred] Roller about temporary use of the new exhibit halls in the Austrian museum. I will be traveling to Klagenfurt in the upcoming days and would like to meet with Kolig and would like to go to Zell am See if the Tauernbahn train is reasonable.
For the Wiesbaden exhibit the following paintings were selected from among the foreign applicants of us Viennese in Vienna directly in the individual studios: Koller, 3 pcs., Schröder 2 pcs. and 6 drawings. Merkel ca. 20 paintings ca. 12 drawings. Wagner 12 paintings? 3 pastels. Eckart 5 paintings, Nowak the same that were exhibited in Vienna. Stein ditto. [Arthur] Rudolph 3 paintings. Harta 16 paintings 10 drawings. Gütersloh 3 and the others
should be borrowed. Peschka 5. [Oskar] Laske 12. Böhler 5. Krakauer 12 small. Schiele 14-18. I have not been able to sell your painting yet but will send the remaining 150 crowns before I go to K. [Klagenfurt]. Please write me immediately. Nebehay has opened new attractive rooms on the second floor of Hotel Bristol and said he can show some of us from time to time in small collective exhibits. [Franz Martin] Haberditzl etc. are very interested in the idea and will support. Please keep the collective exhibits at Nebehay’s a secret for the time being.
Best wishes
Travel money was also offered to you for the trip to Wiesbaden."
For further information on Egon Schiele and to conduct primary source research, please visit our Egon Schiele Autograph Database.
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Privatsammlung Leopold, Wien; (1)
Leopold Museum-Privatstiftung, Wien (2023)
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